Support: The Best Anti-Bullying Tool


Support Is the Best Anti-bullying Tool. We Need You!

Hate crimes and bullying are on the rise. In response to a recent uptake in anti-Asian 
hate crimes, Gemma Chan (actress from Crazy Rich Asians) asked people to “spread awareness, 
check in on your Asian friends because we are not okay, educate yourself and others on the 
long history of anti-Asian racism, and please don’t be silent.” In her powerful words, 
she laid out the most powerful anti-bullying tool: support.

In order to be a powerful supporter, one must first be educated.

Education Is Prevention

Prevention is a key line of defense. Childhood development can be our battleground; it’s vital to prevent the development of bullies who victimize in their youth and engage in hate crimes as adults. Victims of bullying that feel powerless, lack support, and have difficulty coping with their trauma are at risk for suicidal behaviors (Ybarra et al., 2014). Reading is a powerful way to educate our youth about biases and differences that can impact individual decisions to engage in bullying and hate crimes. There are wonderful anti-bullying books that continue to help educate our youth towards this end.

Effects That Bullying Can Have on an Individual’s Mental Health

Bullying can impact school achievement. A recent study conducted in Turkey indicated that school belonging was positively associated with school achievement (Gokmen, 2021). Gokmen (2021) also found that lower school belongingness associated with the impact of bullying negatively affected school achievement. Poor academic performance is associated with poorer mental health. A recent meta-analysis determined that peer victimization is associated with later suicidal ideation (van Geel, Goemans, Zwaanswijk, & Vedder, 2021). Children who are victims can begin to victimize themselves in response to declining mental health. Nationwide, schools have implemented programs to combat the development of bullying in children. We need to empower our communities with the understanding that supporting a victim of bullying is incredibly powerful. Supportive friends, family members, teachers, and peers can make all the difference for someone who is being bullied. Victims of bullying and hate crimes are begging supporters not to be silent, as Gemma Chan pleaded in the cause against anti-Asian violence. Often people are silent because they do not know how to help, not because they are unaware or do not care. But knowing that active support can make a difference is emboldening. Support is a powerful tool. Support is action.

The Importance of Support

Often, support can seem like such a small, inconsequential thing. But support allows others to intervene on your behalf, enables you to counteract the lies bullying and hate tell about their victims, and empowers people to stand up for themselves. A recent study indicated that students who perceived greater adult support, along with other contextual factors, predicted increased intervention behaviors against bullying (Konishi, Hymel, Wong, & Waterhouse, 2021). In essence, support from others predicted engagement in bullying intervention behaviors. Support, not perfection, is a crucial anti-bullying and hate crime tool.

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