
Include Mental Health Books for Kids

The prevalence of mental illness has increased across the United States of America and abroad. We need to work diligently towards prevention. The key to any good prevention plan is starting

Therapist Risk Management Strategies for Stalking

The success of psychotherapy is correlated with the attachment between client and therapist in the therapeutic relationship (Farber, 2015).

Many Saw Increased Mental Health Benefits in 2020

Over the last few years, more employers have begun offering insurance for therapy or increase mental health benefits for their employees.

College Student Mental Health in 2020

Student mental health is being negatively impacted by the added stressors of 2020. College students face an ever-changing educational landscape due to the COVID-19

Study: Many Youth Seeking Therapy Want to Discuss Spirituality

Regular attendance of religious services has declined with time, according to data from Gallup.

Meditation Can Change Body’s Response to Stress

Many studies show meditation can reduce stress. Yet most studies have relied on subjective measurements of stress, such as self-reports.

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